Monday, March 8, 2010

Oh Vintage!

I have always had a passion for all things vintage, but it wasnt until recently that i decided my wardrobe needed a refashioning! So I will soon enough be attempting to sew vintage clothing and work it into my wardrobe. In the next week I'm going to have my hair cut in a "middy" fashion so my curls look more authentic! should be fun, maybe I will share my new look! My days a filled with school work and job and school applications so it will probably be a while before you see a whole outfit!
Anywho speaking of vintage, Emily at Livin' Vintage is having a giveaway! Please click here if you are interested!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

ugly cupcake update


lol please vote for them here if you have the time, im veronica :D

Sunday, January 31, 2010

so i made these awful cupcakes

benefit cosmetics has a contest on their facebook page pretty often and this months was a cooking contest. people had to make creative cupcakes that tie in with the brand. the prizes for first place are MARVELOUS. anyway today is the last day, and i made some cupcakes that i dreamed up.

in my dream they looked so much better.
this is actually red velvet with cream cheese icing WITH white (mint, it was all they had) chocolate layer so i could work on that and not the icing. lots of food coloring. every time i hopped out of my room to mix more white choco food coloring catastrophe my mom made sure not to comment. she knows better than to question my uhm process

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Vintage giveaway
is having an amazing little v-day contest :), its very sweet and easy to enter!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


<3 spell cosmetics!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Things I bought that I love aka the Mindy Kaling story

Just kidding, I've got nothing on her lol. But I did get some new things! I went shopping the other day at New York and Company. The website has a large selection of clothing aimed for people of all ages. However I don't know what the story is with the New York and Company at my mall, but I'm guessing the youth of my city does its shopping at other department stores. In short, mostly old lady clothing in stock so I made up for that by buying some of the few things they did have on hand that were bright, summery and youthful!

My new favorite shorts <3>
I'm going to pair it with this top. 19.99

Another pair of funky, but maybe less wearable shorts for 11.99
And I just bought a plain blue v-neck top to pair it with for now. 5.99
This cute wristlet was 30% off I beleive. 11.95

I also bought some jewlery that does not photogragh well and is no longer on the website but my New York and Company was up to its in ears in accessories between 2 and 3 dollars. I also bought a pair of gym sweats on sale...for when I go to the gym.
If I find a way to photogragh the jewlery well I will post them in my next entry along the new designer hand-me-down shoes I recieved recently. Helllooooo free Coach flats!